Friday, March 19, 2010

for BSc II students


Chromosomes take part in the transmission of hereditary characters through hereditary units or genes. An individual has usually many genes. So, we can say that one chromosome contains more than one gene. The genes for different characters may be either situated in same chromosome or in different chromosomes. If genes are situated in the same chromosome and are fairly close to each other then they tend to be inherited together. This type of coexistence of two or more genes in the same chromosome in known as linkage

The hypothesis that linked genes tend to remain in their original combination due to close location in the same chromosome was advanced by T H Morgan in 1911. Before Morgan, Sutton 1903 and Bateson and Punnet 1906 had given some hints about the phenomenon of linkage.

Types of linkage

T H Morgan and his co-workers by their investigations on the Drosophila and other organisms have found two types of linkage.
1. Complete linkage.
2. Incomplete linkage.

The complete linkage is the phenomenon in which parental combinations of characters appear together for two or more generations in a continuous and regular basis. In this case, the linked genes are closely associated and tend to transmit together.

Example The genes for bent wings (bt) and shaven bristles(svn) of the fourth chromosome (mutant) of Drosophila melanogaster exhibit complete linkage.

The linked genes do not always stay together because homologous non- sister chromatids may exchange segments of varying length with one another during meiotic prophase. This sort of exchange of chromosomal segments in between homologous chromosomes is known as crossing over. The linked genes which are widely located in chromosome and have chances of separation by crossing over is called incompletely linked genes and the phenomenon of their inheritance is called incomplete linkage.

Example linked genes for body color, black body (b) and grey body + and wing shape, vestigial (v) and long wing +

Linkage groups

All the linked genes of a chromosome form a linkage group. Linkage groups of a homologous chromosome are considered as one. The linkage group of a species corresponds with the haploid chromosome number of that species.

Example Drosophila has 4 pairs of chromosomes and 4 linkage groups
Man has 23 pairs of chromosomes and 23 linkage groups

Significance of linkage

The phenomenon of linkage has one of the great significance for the living organisms that it reduces the possibility of variability in gametes unless crossing over occurs.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

for BSc II students

Giant chromosomes

Some cells at particular stages contain large nucleus with giant or large sized chromosomes. The giant chromosomes are Polytene and lamp brush chromosomes.

Polytene chromosome

It occurs in the tissues of salivary gland, gut, trachea, fat body cells and Malpighian tubules of many insects of the order Diptera. It was first reported by E G Balbiani in 1881. The name polytene was suggested by Kollar due the occurrence of many chromonemata.

The polytene chromosomes are larger in size. The polytene chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster has total length of 200 microns in comparison to the 7.5 microns of somatic chromosome. The enormous size of the polytene chromosome is achieved by the duplication of chromonema for nine or ten times and duplicated chromonemata are not separated.

The polytene chromosome consists of closely coiled or associated homologus pairs of chromosomes. This association is called somatic pairing.

The polytene chromosome contains about 1000 times more DNA material than the somatic chromosomes.

Dark and light bands

Polytene chromosome bears alternating dark and light bands. The dark bands take deep stain with basic chromosomal stain and contains large amount of DNA and small amount of RNA. These are mainly composed of euchromatin. The light bands take light chromosomal stain and contains small amount of DNA and large amount of RNA. They are mainly composed of heterochromatin.

The polytene chromosome is caused by the process of endomitosis. In endomitosis, chromonemata become duplicated and resulted chromonemata do not separate to form new chromosome but remain closely associated. Also in endomitosis, nuclear membrane does not rupture and no spindle fibre formation takes place.

During development stages, polytene chromosome of larva of Dipterous insect, develop swelling at particular point of dark and light band. Such swelling is called puffs or bulbs. The puffing process involves accumulation of acidic protein, synthesis of RNA and storage of synthesized mRNA.

The chromonema of polytene chromosome gives out series of loops laterally. These rings are known as Balbiani rings. They are rich in DNA and mRNA. The formation of Balbiani rings are similar to puffs.

Lampbrush chromosome

The yolk rich oocytes of many vertebrates such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds, contain exceptionally large sized chromosomes known as lamp brush chromosomes. They were discovered by Ruckert.

The lamp brush chromosomes are much longer. The length of lamp brush chromosome in Urodele oocyte may reach up to 5900 microns.

The lamp bush chromosomes are composed of the main axis and lateral loops. The main axis is composed of 4 chromatids or two bivalent chromosomes. The chromonemata of these chromaitd give out fine loops at lateral sides giving appearance of lamp brush or test tube brush.

The loops of lamp brush chromosomes are rich in RNA and protein. The RNA appears to be mRNA. The synthesis of protein and yolk take place near the loop.

Cytogenetical functions of chromosomes

Chromosomes are the most significant component of cell. They control most of the biological and genetical activities of cell. They contain genetical material, DNA which ultimately influences the biological phenomena atg molecular, physiological and gross morphological level.

Monday, March 8, 2010

for Grade XII

Himalayan White House Int’l College
Grade XII
Model Question 2066 set I
Section A Zoology
1. Give very short answers of following questions any seven 1x7=7

1.1. From where does epithelial cell rise?
1.2. Which vitamin is called antisterility vitamin?
1.3. What is breathing rate in man?
1.4. What do you mean by double circulation?
1.5. Why is urine yellow in colour?
1.6. Which cranial nerve is mixed nerve?
1.7. What do the leydig cells secrete?
1.8. How is urea formed in liver?
1.9. What are psychedelic drugs?
1.10. What is in-vitro fertilization?

2. Give sort answers of following questions any five 3x5=15

2.1. Write how is CO2 transported?
2.2. Discuss benefits of genetic engineering.
2.3. Describe haversian canal system
2.4. How does liver act as a homeostatic organ? Discuss.
2.5. Name the hormones produced by adrenal gland and state their
2.6. Enumerate the problems of population explosion.
2.7. Describe the structure of frog’s gastrula.

3. Give an account of human heart suitable diagram 7.5
Describe human excretory system with necessary diagrams.

4. What are communicable diseases? Discuss the causative agent, symptoms and control major of any one disease you have studied? 8

Section B Botany
1. Give very short answers of following questions any seven 1x7=7
1.1. What is central dogma?
1.2. Define polyploidy.
1.3. How is xylem arrange in dicot and monocot stem?
1.4. Give two examples of main C4- plants
1.5. What is triple fusion?
1.6. Define variation?
1.7. What is osmosis?
1.8. Define the term tissue culture
1.9. Name the hormone responsible for leaf and fruit fall.
1.10. Name dead tissue of the plant body.

2. Give sort answers of following questions any five 3x5=15

2.1. Explain Mendel’s principle of dominance.
2.2. Differentiate between clone and offspring.
2.3. Describe the embryogeny of dicot embryo with necessary deagram.
2.4. What is photosphorylation? Differentiate cyclic photophorylation with non-cyclic photophorylation.
2.5. Mention the importance of tissue culture technology.
2.6. Mention the functions of gibberlins.
2.7. Describe the importance of sterilization in plant tissue culture

3. Describe anatomical features of monocot stem with well labeled diagram. 7.5
Describe light independent steps of photosynthesis and also mention its relation with the light phase.
4. Describe the mechanism of replication of DNA in the eukaryotic cell. 8

Himalayan White House Int’l College
Grade XII
Model Question 2066 set II
Section A Zoology
1. Give very short answers of following questions any seven 1x7=7
1.1. What is the average weight of human brain?
1.2. What is organ of corti?
1.3. What is micturition?
1.4. What is autograft?
1.5. What is the function of Leydig cells?
1.6. Give the function of carbonic anhydrase.
1.7. Name the hormone that regulates water absorption.
1.8. What are drug addiction?
1.9. Name the hormones secreted by ovary.
1.10. What is Rh factor?

2. Give sort answers of following questions any five 3x5=15
2.1. Write a note on Haversian canal system.
2.2. Mention the applications of biotechnology
2.3. Write the procedure of amniocentesis.
2.4. What are the differences between parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves?
2.5. Discuss the histological structure of human pancreas.
2.6 . Explain briefly when exactly the two heart sounds are produced. Name the instrument used to hear these sounds.
2.7. Why the transplanted organs rejected & what are are the means to prevent rejection?

2. Describe the development of frog from the zygote up to the formation of coelom. 7.5
3. Describe the causative agent, symptoms and preventive measures of the non-Communicable disease.
Describe the human brain with suitable diagram. 8

Section B Botany
1. Give very short answers of following questions any seven 1x7=7
1.1. What do you know about operon?
1.2. Write two important methods of vegetative propagation.
1.3. How does photophoshorylation differ from oxidative phosphorylation?
1.4. Mention the role of yeast in fermentation process.
1.5. Write down the complementary RNA sequence of the DNA segment AATTAACCGA.
1.6. List two major application of tissue culture technique.
1.7. Name two plants used as bio-fertilizers.
1.8. Give the structure of ethylene.
1.9. What is a genetic code?
1.10. Write one important difference between dicot stem and monocot stem

2. Give sort answers of following questions any five 3x5=15

2.1. Write down the experiment to demonstrate unequal transpiration from two surfaces of dorsiventral leaf.
2.2. Give an account of micro-mutation.
2.3. Describe in brief the criss cross inheritance.
2.4. What are objectives of plant breeding?
2.5. Discuss physiological effects of auxins on the plant body.
2.6. Describe principle of fermentation technology with example.
2.7. Write six differences between dicot and monocot root.

3. Draw a well-labeled diagram of T.S. of dicot root. Discuss how it differs from that of a monocot. 7.5
What is respiration? Explain the process of glycolysis in plants.
4. Discuss the mechanism of DNA-replication. 8

Saturday, March 6, 2010

for Grade XI

Sub - Biology set I Full marks 75
Time 3 hours Pass mark 27
Section A Zoology answer in very brief (any seven) . 1X7=7
1.1 Differentiate between anadromous migration and catadromous migration in fishes .
1.2 How is biology related to chemistry ?
1.3 Name the excretory organ found in Platyhelminthes and annelids
1.4 Name the muscles that controls the movement of setae of earthworm .
1.5 What is the function of choanoderm in Porifera?
1.6 What do you mean by atavism ?
1.7 What is cyclosis?
1.8. What is the omentum?
1.9. What is the function of meganucleus in Paramecium?
1.10. What are the analogous organs for?
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 3x5=15
2.1 Differentiate between old world monkey and new world monkey.
2.2 Discuss the economical importance of Earthworm.
2.3 Describe the aquatic adaptation feature of fishes .
2.4 What are the functions of pancreas in frog?
2.5. Describe the effects of air pollution on human body.
2.6. Discuss the structure of liver of frog.
2.7. Describe the sporogony in the life cycle of Plasmodium.

Q.No.3. Describe the structure and working mechanism of the heart of frog. [8]
Describe the structure of digestive organ of Pheretima.
Q.No.4.Write an account of human evolution starting from Ramapethicus . [7.5]

Section B Botany
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief (any seven). [1X7]
1.1. What is syngenesious stamen .
1.2. In which case there is inverted ecological pyramid present ?
1.3. What is coenocytic mycelium?
1.4. Give the full form of ADP and AMP
1.5.What are leucoplast?Mention their function
1.6. Write the function of heterosyst in Nostoc
1.7. Define crossing over.
1.8. What is flower?
1.9. What is cone?
1.10 Give any two functions of Golgi body.
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 5x3=15
2.1. Name the different biotic components of the pond ecosystem
2.2 What are the economical nature of Bacteria
2.3. Describe the structure and function of chloroplast.
2.4. Discuss the consequence of ozone layer depletion .
2.5. Draw well labeled diagram of cynobacterical cell. No description required.
2.6. What is placentation? Mention their types with example.
2.7. Write the short comings of two kingdom system of classification.

Q.No.3. Write the distinguishing character of family Cruciferae with floral diagram and formula. Give the botanical names of any three economically plants . [8]
Define alternaion of generation .Discuss it with reference to diagrammatic life cycle of Funaria 1+3+4
Q.No.4. Define food chain .Discuss it with reference of pond system . [7.5]

Set II
Sub - Biology Full marks 75
Time 3 hours Pass mark 27
Section A Zoology
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief(any seven) . 1X7=7
1.1 What was the kind of atmosphere in the primitive earth?
1.2 Who coined the term Biology?
1.3. Who used the phrase “ survival of the fittest” for the first time?
1.4. What is the function of omentum?
1.5. Name the theory given by Hugo de Vries.
1.6.Why protoplasmic bridge are formed in Paracemium?
1.7. What are the characters for the fossorial adaptation?
1.8. What is the function of typhlosole in earthworm?
1.9. In which group of animal, do you find the stinging cells?
1.10. Who propounded the new theory regarding the flow of blood in the heart?
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 3x5=15
2.1. Write short note on erythrocytic schizogony.
2.2. Give the general characters and classification of Arthropoda.
2.3. What are the causes of extinction of wildlife in Nepal.
2.4.Discuss protein as biomolecule.
2.5 Describe the asexual reproduction in Paramecium
2.6. Describe the spontaneous generation theory.
2.7. Discuss the old theory regarding the flow of blood in forg.
Q.No.3. Give a brief account of human evolution. [8]
Q.No.4. Discuss the physiology of digestion in frog. 7.5 Or
Describe reproductive system of earthworm.
Section B Botany
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief (any seven). [1X7]
1.1. Define cellular totipotency.
1.2. Why is mitochondrion called the power house of cell?
1.3 Write down the functions of chloroplast.
1.4 Why are the nucleic acids are important for life?
1.5. What do you mean by scalariform conjugation?
1.6 Give one difference between corolloid root and mycorrhizal root
1.7. What is leaf?
1.8. What is the role of producers in Ecosystem?
1.9. Why is Spirogyra called water silk?
1.10 Give any two important characters of Kingdom Monera
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following.(any five). 5x3=15
2.1. Draw well labled diagram of cynobacterical cell. No description required.
2.2. Discuss the roles of edaphic factors in the ecosystem
2.3 Explain the characters of plant community.
2.4 Discuss protein as biomolecule.
2.5 Give an out line classification of 5 kingdom system. Mention its advantages and
2.6 Briefly describe the economic importance of Bacteria
2.7. What do you mean by the following terms? A) Epipetalous B) Cruciform corolla C) Didelphous stamens
Q.No.3. . Give the salient features of Solanacae in semitechnical terms with its floral formula, diagram and two scientific names of economically important plants of this family. 8 Or
What is pollution ? Describe water pollution, their effect and control measures

Q.No.4. Describe the sexual reproduction in Mucor [7.5]

Sub - Biology set III Full marks 75
Time 3 hours Pass mark 27
Section A Zoology
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief(any seven) . 1X7=7
1.1 What is incubation period?
1.2 What is the function of seminal vesicle in earthworm?
1.3 Write down the two endangered species of animals with scientific names
1.4 What is the gist of Lamarckism?
1.5 What do you mean by cyclosis in Paramecium?
1.6 What do the homologous organs show?
1.7 What do you understand by convergent evolution?
1.8.What is the function of fat bodies in reproduction?
1.9. What is physiology and cytology?
1.10. Why are the Protozoans immortal?

Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 3x5=15
2.1 Write down the conservation strategies of wild life.
2.2 Illustrate the functions of liver.
2.3. Why Archaeopteryx is regarded as connecting link?
2.4 Discuss the new theory regarding the flow of blood from auricles to ventricle in frog.
2.5 Describe the Urey Miller experiment with diagram.
2.6. Describe the cocoon formation in earthworm.
2.7. Describe the Erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
Q.No.3.. Discuss the Theory of Natural Selection with its draw backs 8
What is conjugation? Describe the process of conjugation in Paramecium. 7.5

Q.No.4.Describe the Amphibian Heart with suitable diagram.
Section B Botany
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief(any seven) . [1X7]
1.1. Name the colouring pigment of red algae.
1.2 What is symbiosis? Give examples.
1.3 What are the bioindicators of air pollution?
1.4 Write down the names of subunits of prokaryotic ribosomes.
1.5 Write one major character of metaphase of mitosis.
1.6. Name two species of Pinus found in Nepal.
1.7. Give two importances of Cyanobaceteria.
1.8. What is phylotaxy?
1.9. Give the classification of Cycas.
1.10 Who gave the concept of totipotency and cell theory?
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 5x3=15
2.1. Name the different biotic components of the pond ecosystem
2.2 What are the economical nature of Bacteria
2.3. Describe the structure and function of mitochondria.
2.4. Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.
2.5. Describe the impacts of deforestation.
2.6. What is aestivation? Discuss their types.
2.7 Describe cell structure of Spirogyra with well labeled diagram.
Q.No.3. What is Describe cell structure of Spirogyra with well labeled diagram.
biogeochemical cycle? Mention its types, also explain Nitrogen cycle in nature. 8 Or
Describe Papilionaceae or in semitechnical terms with it floral formula & floral diagram. Write any four economically important plant ofthis family with scientific names.
Q.No.4. What is alternation of generation? Describe it with reference of Fern. 7.5

Sub - Biology set IV Full marks 75
Time 3 hours Pass mark 27
Section A Zoology
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief (any seven). 1X7=7
1.1.What is Anatomy?
1.2Write two important characteristic features of Phylum Echinodermata.
1.3What is the function of mesorchium?
1.4.Write the zoological names of Prawn and Spider.
1.5What is typhlosole? Mention its function.
1.6Write down the name of aminoacids found at the end of Miller and Urey’s experiment.
1.7What is the immediate ancestor of modern man
1.8. What is the method of asextual method in Paramecium?
1.9. What is she homodont?
1.10. At what time, Ramapethicus survived on the earth? Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 5x3=15
2.1Give brief account of Reflex Action.
2.2Justify “ Earthworms are the friend of farmers”.
2.3Write a short note on Oparin and Haldane’s theory on Origin of life.
2.4Write down the causes of depletion of wild life.
2.5Give out line classification of Coelenterata with examples
2.6. Differentiate between Ape and Man
2.7. Describe the structure of tooth of frog.
Q.No.3.Describe the Theory of Natural Selection with its draw backs. 8
Q.No.4. Discuss the asexual life cycle of Plasmodium in man with well labeled diagram
Describe the male reproductive system of Frog with labeled diagram. 7.5

Section B Botany

Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief(any seven) . [1X7]
1.1Why is deuteromycetes called fungi imperfecti?
1.2 Give the common names of Spirogyra and Funaria.
1.3What are the roles of decomposers in ecosystem?
1.4What are vascular cryptogams?
1.5. Define cell division.
1.6How are red algae able to survive and lead a successful life in deep sea?
1.7Name the pigments that are present in photoautotrophic bacteria
1.8. What do you mean by sporophyll?
1.9. Give any two xerophytic characters of Gymnoperm.
1.10.Give one difference between actinomorphic and zygomorphic flower.
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following.(any five). 5x3=15
2.1 Why are the viruses called Biological puzzles?
2.2.Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis cell division.
2.3.Explain haplo diplobiontic type of life cycle of yeast.
2.4.Draw a well labeled diagram of LS of capsule of Funaria.
2.5.Protein is one of the important biomolecule. Justify this statement
2.6. What is acid rain? Give its consequences.
2.7. Draw the phyllogenetic and evolutionary line of five kingdom system of classification.

Q.No.3.Describe the family Poaceae in semi technical terms with their floral diagram and floral formula . write any two plants belonging to this family with economic importance 8 Or
Describe the diagrammatic life cycle of Marchantia
Q.No.4. Describe the pond as an example of aquatic ecosystem with suitable diagram 7.5

Sub - Biology Set V Full marks 75
Time 3 hours Pass mark 27
Section A Zoology
Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief (any seven). 1X7=7
1.1. What is metamerical segmentation?
1.2. Give the meaning of plasmogamy and karyogamy
1.3. What is cyclosis?
1.4. What is physiology?
1.5. What is serological test carried out for?
1.6. Define the organic evolution and connecting link.
1.7. Classify Paramecium in scientific position.
1.8. Which artery supplies blood to the brain in frog?
1.9. What is the function of gizzard in earthaworm?
1.10. What is rare animal? Give example.
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following. .(any five) 5x3=15
2.1. Describe the Oparin and Haldane theory of origin of life on earth.
2.2. Draw a well labeled diagram of Frog.
2.3 Define endangered and vulnerable species and give the scientific name of any four endangered mammals of Nepal.
2.4. Discuss how the fossils give the evidences of organic evolution.
2.5. Earthworms are fiends of farmers. Justify.
2.6. Differentiate between cartilaginous and bony fishes.
2.7. Write down the characters of Phylum Mollusca.

Q.No.3. What is conjugation? Describe the process of conjugation in Paramecium 7.5
What is portal system? Describe it with reference to frog.
Q.No.4.What is organic evolution? Trace out evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus. 8

Section B Botany

Q.No.1.Give answer in very brief (any seven). [1X7]
1.1. Lysosome is also called suicidal bag of cell, why?
1.2. Where is arghegonium formed in Funaria?
1.3. Give chief function of Ribosome.
1.4. Write two important character of Monera.
1.5. Mention one important difference between red and brown algae.
1.6. Write the function of heterocyst in nostoc.
1.7. Give the characteristic feature of Anaphase and Telophase of Mitosis.
1.8. What is leaf?
1.9. Give one difference between microsporophyll and megasporophyll
1.10. Which chemical give the rigidity to the cell wall.
Q.No.2. Give the short answer of the following.(any five) 5x3=15
2.1. Describe the asexual reproduction in Mucor.
2.2 Explain microgametogenesis.
2.3 Descrithe the structure and function of chloroplast.
2.4. Draw and describe the gametophyte of fern in short.
2.5. What is the modern trend in Taxonomy?
2.6. Write notes on medicinal and agricultural values of Bacteria.
2.7. Describe the different types of phylotaxy
Q.No.3.Describe the mitotic cell division 7.5
Q.No.4. Describe the life cycle of Spirogyra. 8 Or
Describe the family Solanaceae in semi technical terms with their floral diagram and floral formula . Write any two plants belonging to this family with economic importance