Nervous system of man
As complexity in animals increases, the coordination of different parts of body among themselves and with the external environment becomes necessary. Human body is complex and highly developed. In human beings and other higher animals, the nervous system and endocrine system not only control and coordinate various cellular activities but also help animal to respond to stimulus. The nervous system is comparatively faster and localized in action.
• It receives changes in external environment by receptors and after interpreting and analyzing, sends the appropriate massages to effectors. The sensory organ like tongue, nose eye ears skin helps to receive stimulus from environment.
• It conducts information and transmits massages to various parts of body.
• It stimulates and inhibits the activities of various muscle and glands according to the kind of information received.
• It receives and coordinates the activities of various visceral organs in the body.
• By coordinating different activities it helps to maintain steady state of body.
a. Central nervous system CNS which includes brain and spinal cord
b. Peripheral nervous system PNS which includes cranial nervous and spinal nerves.
c. Autonomic nervous system which includes nerve cells, ganglia etc
The central nervous system
The brain and spinal cord both are supported and protected by skeleton. The brain is protected by cranium and spinal cord is protected by vertebral column. Brain and spinal cord are covered by three membranes together known as meninges.
1. outer membrane duramater
2. middle membrane arachnoid
3. inner membrane piamater
Duramater is tough and made up of fibrous tissue. It is attached to skull. The middle membrane is soft and thin. Piamater is delicate and vascularised.
Subarachnoid space – it is space between arachnoid and piamater. An extracellular fluid called cerebrospinal fluid CSF is present in subarachnoid space, ventricles of brain and central canal of spinal cord. The CSF is slightly alkaline fluid. It is kept in circulation by beating of ciliated cells(ependymal) lining ventricles and central canal. It is secreted by anterior and posterior choroid plexus.
Functions of CSF
• It allows exchange of respiratory gases, nutrients and wastes between it and nervous tissue. It is both nutritive and excretory in function.
• It protects the CNS against mechanical shock and injury. It acts as cushion.
• It maintains the constant pressure inside cranium in spite of fluctuations in volume and pressure of blood.
Both brain and spinal cord show two distinct regions called Grey matter and White matter.
Differences between gray and white matter
Gray matter White matter
Gray in color White in color due to presence of fatty myelin sheath around nerve fiber.
Consist of cell bodies, dendrite and synapses of neuron. Consists of nerve fibers axon arising from or to nerve cell present in gray matter.
Contains numerous intermediate neurons Mainly consists of axons of neurons connecting various body of brain and links brain to spinal cord.
In brain, gray matter is found outside and white matter inside. The spinal cord, white matter forms outer layer and gray matter forms central core.
Human Brain
It is highly specialized delicate organ of the human body. It is present in a bony case called cranium. Cranium protects brain form external injuries. The brain of adult weighs about 1350 grams. It is mainly composed of soft nervous tissue. The cranial capacity of human is about 1450 cc.
The human brain can be divided into 3 parts
Fore brain (Prosencephalon)
Mid brain (Mesencepahlon)
Hind brain(Rhombencephalon)
Fore brain has 3 parts – Cerebrum, Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Cerebrum - it is largest part and divisible into right and left Cerebral Hemisphere (CH). Two CH are joined by broad curved and thick band of nerve fiber called Corpus Callosum. Each hemisphere has frontal lobe, parietal lobe and temporal lobe and occipital lobe. Outer layer is called cerebral cortex. It is made up of gray matter and has numerous fold like convolutions. The ridges of convolutions are known as gyri and depressions in between are known as sulci. These greatly increase surface area.
The cerebral cortex has different areas like motor area (movement), sensory area (heat and cold pain touch light pressure) auditory area (hearing), visual area (seeing), olfactory area (taste and smell), speech area etc.
1. Main center that governs all mental activities like intelligence, memory, reason, will, feelings, emotions etc.
2. Seat of consciousness, interpreter of sensations, origin of voluntary acts.
3. Also acts as control on many reflex acts that originates involuntary like weeping, laughing etc.
It lies between Cerebrum and mid brain. It consists of 2 rounded masses of gray matter.
It is found at the center of cerebrum.
1. Serves as relay center for sensory and motor impulses from spinal cord and brain stem to various parts of Cerebrum.
2. Regulates emotions and perceptions of heat cold pain etc.
It is present beneath Thalamus. It consists of gray matter scattered in white matter.
1. Controls internal mechanism or autonomic nervous system.
2. associated with temp regulation, water balance, hunger, blood pressure etc
3. In association with pituitary gland, secretes neurohormones.
Mid brain
It connects fore brain with hind brain. It possesses 2 pairs of round elevations called Corpora quadrigemina. The gray matter is found to be scattered in white matter. It is covered by CH. It controls the eye movements and auditory response. The floor of mid brain has thick crura cerebri. It contains bundles of fibers coming from hind brain and spinal cord passing forward.
Hind brain
It consists of Cerebellum on dorsal side and brain stem (pons and medulla) on ventral side.
Cerebellum - it is found at the back of head. It consists of 2 cerebellar hemispheres just like CH. It gives appearance of two halves of a large walnut. It is large reflex center for coordination of muscular body movements and maintained of posture or equilibrium. Cerebellar hemispheres are not convoluted but traversed by furrows. The central part is known as vermis.
• Coordinate muscular body movement, equilibrium and control posture.
• Control reflex action of skeletal muscle activities.
Pons varolii- it lies above medulla. It acts as bridge to connect two halves of cerebellum. It coordinates muscle movements on two sides.
Medulla oblongata – it is posterior most part of brain. It continues behind into spinal cord. Various ascending and descending tracts cross over from right to left and left to right. Any damage to one of its side causes paralyses on the opposite side of body.
• It carries nerve tracts connecting spinal cord to brain. All communications between brain and spinal cord pass through it.
• Center for vital activities
• Contains cardiac, respiratory and vasomotor center that control complex activities like heart action, respiration, coughing and sneezing etc.
Ventricles of brain.
These are cavities within the bran. They are 4 in number.
Right and left lateral ventricles lie within the CH. These communicate with the third ventricle (ventricle of Thalamus) by foramen of Monro. The third ventricle communicates with the fourth ventricle (ventricle of Medulla) by cerebral aqueduct or iter. The fourth ventricle is lozenge shaped and continues behind as central canal of spinal cord.
Spinal cord
It is tubular or cylindrical structure extending from Medulla Oblongata. It is situated in the neural canal of vertebral column. It is covered by all three membranes. The cerebrospinal fluid is present in the central canal and in between membranes. The white matter is found outside and Grey matter is found inside. The grey matter is in the the H shaped of butterfly shaped form. The dorsal and ventral horns come out from the Grey matter. In the middle, there is central canal. It is filled with cerebrospinal fluid and continuous with the ventricles of brain.
Peripheral nervous system
It consists of two types of nerves. Cranial nerves are arising from brain and spinal nerves arising from spinal cords.
A nerve is composed of many nerve fibers enclosed in a connective tissue sheath. Nerve fiber is long axon of a neuron . it could be myelinated or non myelinated.
Types of nerve fiber
Depending upon the direction of nerve impulse carried by nerve fiber, they are classified into
• Afferent nerve fiber which conduct impulses from peripheral tissue or organ (receptors) to CNS. It is also called sensory neuron
• Efferent nerve fiber which conduct nerve impulse from CNS to peripheral tissue or organs or effectors. It is also called motor neurons
Cranial nerves
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves. They arise from different parts of Brain. These nerves innervate different tissue of organ to carry out different functions. They are sensory or motor or mixed in function.
Name of nerve nature Tissue innervated function
1. olfactory sensory Olfactory mucosa in nose smell
2. optic sensory Retina vision
3. oculomotor motor Eye muscle Eye movement
4. trochlear motor ,, ,, ,, ,,
5. trigeminal mixed Skin, teeth, mucosal membrane of mouth Sensation of head and face
6. abducens motor Eye muscle Eye movement
7. facial mixed Taste buds, salivary gland, muscle of face and neck Facial expression, saliva secretion
8. auditory sensory Internal ear Equilibrium, hearing
9. glossopharyngeal mixed Pharynx tongue Taste, sensation, swallowing
10. vagus mixed Pharynx, oesophagus, trachea, viscera Visceral reflex
11. spinal accessory motor Thoracic and abdominal viscera Visceral reflex, shoulder movement
12. hypoglossal motor Muscle of tongue movement
Sensory -- 1st , 2nd , 8th
Motor -- 3rd , 4th , 6th , 11th , 12th
Mixed -- 5th , 7th , 9th , 10th
Spinal nerves
There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves in man. They arise from the spinal cord. They innervate different parts of body. They are all mixed in nature.
Cervical nerves = 8 pairs
Thoracic nerves = 12 pairs
Lumbar nerves = 5 pairs
Sacral nerves = 5 pairs
Coccygeal nerves = 1 pair
C 8 Th 12 L 5 S 5 Co 1
Autonomic nervous system
It consists of nerves that control and coordinate activities of visceral organ like heart, lung, kidney, arteries, vein etc. It controls the functioning of visceral organ so, it is known as visceral nervous system.
• Basically motor system – they carry impulses from CNS to effectors
• Involuntary in action, controls activities like heart beat, peristaltic movement
• Consists of preganglionic fiber, autonomic ganglion and post ganglionic fiber etc
• Preganglionic nerve fiber is made up of motor neuron emerge from CNS and enter into autonomic ganglion
• Autonomic ganglion is swollen bulbous structure in which preganglionic fiber terminate and synapse with cell bodies of post ganglionic fiber
• Axon from cell bodies emerge out and pass to organ concerned
Sympathetic nervous system
They emerge from thoraco lumbar region. At the end of post ganglionic fiber, nor adrenaline is secrected. So, they are called adrenergic in function.
• Can stimulate many organ
• Prepare body for emergency
• Increase heart beat
• Dilate pupil
• Rise arterial BP
Parasympathetic nervous system
They emerge from cranio sacral out flow. At the end of post ganglionic fiber, acetyl choline is produced. So they are called cholinergic in nature.
• Associated with daily normal activities
• Stimulation of gastric, pancreatic secretion
• Gastro intestinal movement
• It has inhibitory effect on organ
• Brings about relaxation, comfort
• Prevent over working of organ
• Restore normalcy of organ
Transmission of nerve impulse
Prosser defined the nerve impulse as the sum of mechanical, chemical and electrical disturbances created by a stimuli in a neuron. The most accepted mechanism f nerve impulse conduction is Ionic theory prepared by Hodgekin and Huxley. This theory states that nerve impulse is an electrochemical event governed by differential permeability of neurilemma to Na + and K+ which in turn is regulated by the electrical field. The transmission of nerve impulse takes place always in one direction. It is very rapid process. About 1000 impulses can be carried in one second time along the same nerve fiber. It consists of following steps.
• Polarisation (resting potential) -- the extracellular fluid has high concentration of Na+ and low concentration of K+ . Out side the membrane, there are 10 times more Na+ and inside there are 25 times more K+ . The neurilemma is less permeable to Na+ and more permeable to K+ . the neurilemma shows – 70 to – 90 milli volts (mV). Out side the membrane there are + charges and inside there are – charges.
• Depolarization (action potential)-- when it receives stimuli, the permeability changes. It becomes more permeable to Na+ and less permeable to K+ . Now Na+ ions rush inside and K+ ions out side. Due to rapid inflow of Na+ the potential increases to 0 and then to +45 to +50 mV. Inside the membrane the + charges are developed and out side, - charges are developed. The newly developed potential difference is called action potential.
• Repolarisation -- after peak of action potential called spike potential, permeability to Na+ decreases and permeability to K+ increases. Na + ions are pumped out and K+ ions are taken in. This is called Sodium Potassium pump or simply Sodium pump. Sodium pump is a process of expelling out Sodium ions and drawing in Potassium ions against the concentration and electrochemical gradient. Out side the membrane there develop the + charges and inside, there develop the – charges. It is called repolarisation. The axon is made ready to receive another impulse.
Transmission of nerve impulse along the medullated nerve fiber
The medullary sheath is not permeable to both Na + and K+ ions. So, the ionic exchange occur only at the nodes of Ranvier. The action potential is conducted from node to node in a jumping manner. Nerve impulse is conducted faster ( about 20 times) in myelinated nerve fiber. It is called salutatory conduction.
Conduction of nerve impulse through synapse
In a synaptic cleft, the impulse is always carried from axon to dendrite. It is assisted by neurotransmitter like acetyl choline. It is purely a chemical event. Calcium ions help in this process.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
for class XI model questions 2067 Biology
Zoology class XI model questions set 1
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify liver fluke.
1.2. What is adaptational feature of apes .
1.3. List the classes of the phylum Porifera.
1.4. What is sinus venosus ?
1.5. How is the biological science related to physics ?
1.6. What is natural selection ?
1.7. Differentiate between anadromous migration and catadromous migration in fishes .
1.8. Write about the premordial atmosphere of the earth .
1.9. Define homologous organ with example .
1.10. Give scientific name of any two endangered mammal.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What is extinction ?what are the causes of extinction?
2.2. Draw well labeled diagram of alimentary canal of frog.
2.3. Describe in brief the female reproductory organ of female earth worm.
2.4. Discuss the gamogony phase of life cycle of plasmodium vivax.
2.5. Explain the biochemical origin of life.
2.6. Explain the asexual reproduction of paramecium .
2.7. Explain the renal portal system found in frog .
3. What is reproduction ?Describe male reproductive organ of frog
with well label diagram . [7.5]
Give an account of conjugation in Paramecium caudatum and discuss its significance.
4.Define evolution .Explain the evolution of man from the pre ape man . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 1
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Differentiate between primary and secondary succession ?
1.2. Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.
1.3. Define binomial nomenclature .
1.4. What part of moss have diploid cells ?
1.5. Why are the blue green algae blue green in color ?
1.6. Define alternation of generation.
1.7. Define syngenesious stamen .
1.8. Name the chemical components of DNA.
1.9. Name the storage found in green and brown algae .
1.10. What do you mean by tetradynamous stamens ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Describe and structure and function of amino acids .
2.2. Discuss the changes that occur during metaphase of Mitosis.
2.3. Explain food chain with examples.
2.4. Explain about the structure and function of mitochondria .
2.5. Give beneficial aspects of Lichen.
2.6. What are the methods of forest conservation?
2.7. Draw a labelled diagram of mitotic anaphase and also mention its characteristic.
3. Give the distinguishing character of Solanaceae with its floral formula and floral diagram. Write the scientific name of sunflower , radish, maize and gram. [7.5]
Discuss the vegetative structure and life cycle of mushroom .
4. Define bio geo chemical cycle . Describe nitrogen cycle in nature [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 2
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define coacervate.
1.2. Give the function of seminal vesicles of earth worm .
1.3. Define homologous organ with example .
1.4. Name the various forms of locomotory organ found in aquatic animals .
1.5. Name the excretory organ found in Platyhelminthes and Annelids.
1.6. Define Neo Darwinism.
1.7. Define ornithology.
1.8. What was archaeopteryx ?
1.9. What is the functions of akinetes?
1.10. What is reflex action ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. List the Volant adaptational characters of birds.
2.2. Give the significance of archaeopteryx in the study of evolution .
2.3. Explain the relation of biology with other science .
2.4. How exconjugants are formed during conjugation of paramecium ?
2.5. Explain the histological structure of liver of frog .
2.6. "Cro-Magnon is immediate ancestor of modern man " justify.
2.7. Explain the hepatic portal system found in frog .
3. Give an account of the structure of digestive tract of Pheretima. [7.5]
Describe the structure of heart of frog with necessary diagram
4. Write an Essay on Darwinism. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 2
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define the terms phycology and mycology.
1.2. Why yeast placed in fungi?
1.3. What is cell theory ?
1.4. Name two chemical components in the structure of virus.
1.5. In which food chain pyramid of number is inverted?
1.6. Name two economically important fungi.
1.7. State what spiklet inflorescence is.
1.8. Name four green house gasses .
1.9. Define the term coenocytic hypha.
1.10. What is acid rain ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Differentiate between mitotic and meiotic cell division.
2.2. Describe and structure and function of amino acids .
2.3. What is pesticides? What are the hazards caused by pesticides?
2.4. List the characteristics of gymnosperm .
2.5. Write briefly about the structure and function of nucleus .
2.6. Draw diagrammatic life cycle of Funaria . No description is needed .
2.7. Discuss the consequence of ozone layer depletion .
3. Give the distinguishing character of solanaceae with its floral formula and floral diagram. Write the scientific name of sunflower , radish, maize and gram[7.5]
Discuss the vegetative structure and life cycle of mushroom .
4. Define bio geo chemical cycle . Describe nitrogen cycle in nature [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 3
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give the scientific name of tapeworm and wall lizard.
1.2. Discuss the role of variation in organic evolution .
1.3. How do insects differ from Arachnida?
1.4. Define fossil.
1.5. What are early primates resemble to ?
1.6. Give two example of vestigial organ.
1.7. What is reflex arc?
1.8. What is the function of choanoderm in Porifera?
1.9. Who suggested that monkeys, apes and man have a common ancestor ?
1.10. Name the muscles that controls the setae of earthworm .
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain arboreal adaptation among reptiles.
2.2. Give an account on Australopithecus.
2.3. Represent diagrammatically the process of conjugation in paramecium .
2.4. Write in brief the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.5. Describe the experiment of Urey miller for the origin of life .
2.6. Differentiate between chondrichthys and oesteichtys fish .
2.7. Give the adaptational modifications found in scansorial animals .
3. Describe the reproductive organ of earthworm. [7.5]
Describe the internal structure of heart in frog and give its working mechanism.
4. Write an Essay on Lamarckism. Write down the demerits of this theory and about the Neo Lamarckism. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 3
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is the function of heterocyst?
1.2. Name two edible mushroom available in market .
1.3. Why is Spirogyra placed in algae?
1.4. Name two type recemose inflorescence you have studied.
1.5. Name the chemical components of RNA.
1.6. Name the storage found in green and brown algae .
1.7. What do you mean by tetradynamous stamens ?
1.8. Mention any two points of differences between primary and secondary mycelium.
1.9. Name the major components of virus .
1.10. Define the term nucleotide.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Discuss the economic importance of fungi.
2.2. Give the structure and function of Golgi complex.
2.3. Differentiate between metaphase I and metaphase II of meiosis.
2.4. State the economic importance of the family solanaceae.
2.5. Draw diagrammatic life cycle of spirogyra. (no description)
2.6. Discuss the consequences of acid rain .
2.7. Explain the structure and functions of mitochondria.
3. What is altenation of generation ?Explain it with suitable diagram in a Marchantia. [7.5]
Explain the characters of the family Papilionaceae in semitechnical term
with floral diagram and floral formula .Discuss any two major importance
of this family .
4. What is energy flow .Explain how it takes place in terrestrial ecosystem. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 4
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give scientific names of any two endangered mammals of Nepal.
1.2. Define Osteology.
1.3. Which technique is used to know the age of fossils ?
1.4. Give the functions of Typhlosole in Earth worm.
1.5. Write Scientific names of frog and star fish.
1.6. What do you mean by the word Arthropoda?
1.7. What is adaptation?
1.8. What is catadromous migration?
1.9. What is serological test?
1.10. What is torsion ? Give one example of animal which shows torsion .
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Discuss about the Cro magnon man.
2.2. Give the characteristic feature of class Aves.
2.3. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of Paramecium.
2.4. Give the functions of skin of earthworm.
2.5. How does cocoon formation takes place in earthworm?
2.6. Give a brief description of the T.S. of the testis of frog with neat labeled diagram.
2.7. Enumerate the characters of Annelida .
3. Give an account of life cycle of Plasmodium in man . [7.5]
Discuss the reproductive system of Frog.
4. What is organic evolution ?Trace out evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 4
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define net primary productivity.
1.2. What is trophic level.
1.3. What do you mean by succession?
1.4. Why is lysosomes called as suicidal bag ?
1.5. Write any two consequence of acid rain.
1.6. Mention the chemical components of virus.
1.7. Write the meaning of syngenesis.
1.8. What is the function of pyrenoid ?
1.9. What is nucleotides ?
1.10. What do you mean by pioneer community in water and land ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Mention any three points of difference between Akinetes and Aplanospore.
2.2. Draw a well labeled diagram of cell structure of Nostoc.
2.3. Explain the structure and function of nucleus.
2.4. Discuss the changes that occur during anaphase of Mitosis.
2.5. Explain food web.
2.6. Explain about the structure and function of plastids .
2.7. What is nitrogen fixtaion ? How is nitrogen fixed in the cell ?
3. What is alternation of generation ?Explain it with suitable diagram in a Funaria ? [7.5]
Explain the characters of the family Gramineae in semi technical terms
with its floral diagram and floral formula . Discuss any two major economic
importance of this family .
4. What is ecosystem ?Discuss the structural and functional aspects of any one ecosystem
you have studied. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 5
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define phylogeny.
1.2. What is Cyclosis in Paramecium.
1.3. What are analogous organ ?Give two examples.
1.4. Give two identifying characters of Echinodermata.
1.5. Mention the classes of phylum Porifera with one example of each .
1.6. What is taxis ?
1.7. Write the meaning of Signet-ring stage.
1.8. Name any endangered animal of Nepal .
1.9. Malarial patient shows the symptoms of malaria in every 48 hours.Why?
1.10. What are nematocysts?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain the experiment of Miller Urey .
2.2. Explain the binary fission in paramecium with a well labeled diagram.
2.3. Differentiate between old world monkey and new world monkey.
2.4. Explain the characteristic of leadership.
2.5. Describe the types of migratory fish.
2.6. How sound is produced in frog ?
2.7. Explain different causes of birds migration .
3. Explain the Lemarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters with its draw backs. [8]
4. What is portal system ?Describe it with reference to frog . [7.5]
Describe the digestive organ of earthworm with a labelled diagram.
Botany class XI model questions set 5
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Name the pigments found in red algae.
1.2. Give the full form of ADP and AMP.
1.3. Give the example of monosacchride and disacchride.
1.4. Give the difference of cisternae and cristae.
1.5. What are leucoplast? Mention their function.
1.6. What is grazing food chain?
1.7. What are primary and secondary myceliums in Agaricus?
1.8. Write two important effect of acid rain.
1.9. How does DNA differ from RNA.
1.10. Which cell organnele is responsible for cell plate formation.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Illustrate the haplo diplo biontic life cycle of yeast .
2.2. Draw well lable diagram of cynobacterical cell .
2.3. What is gametophyte ?Describe it in fern plant .
2.4. Draw outline sketch of 5kingdom classification also mention its basis on which it has been classified.
2.5. Give beneficial aspects of bacteria.
2.6. What are the methods of water resource conservation?
2.7. Draw a labeled diagram of mitotic metaphase and also mention its characteristic.
3. What is mitosis ?explain about the process of mitosis. (7.5)
Describe family Cruciferae in semi technical terms with its Floral diagram and floral formula.
4. Describe the nitrogen cycle in nature . (8)
Zoology class XI model questions set 6
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify Paramecium in scientific position .
1.2. What do you mean by microbiology.
1.3. What is metamerical segmentation?
1.4. Define Endangered Species .Give scientific names of two endangered species.
1.5. What is taxis ?
1.6. Define the term coelom .Give any two examples of coelomate animals .
1.7. List the classes of phylum mollusca.
1.8. List the type of migration in birds.
1.9. which trait is unique to the human species among primates ?
1.10. Name any two renewable sources of Nepal.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Give some characters of cro-magnon Man.
2.2. Write the objective and conclusion of Urey miller experiment .
2.3. Discuss how fossils give the evidences of evolution .
2.4. Draw a labelled sketch of the TS of gizzard of earthworm.
2.5. Give an account of binary fission of paramecium.
2.6. Describe the aquatic adaptation feature of fishes .
2.7. What are the function of liver in frog?
3. Describe the process of food digestion in frog. [7.5]
Describe the life cycle of plasmodium vivax in human body
4. Explain Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired character with examples. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 6
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is the function of acinates in Nostoc.
1.2. Give types of fruits found in family Gramineae.
1.3. What is lichens?
1.4. Give the meaning of plasmogamy and karyogamy
1.5. What are dwarf shoot in Pinus?
1.6. What is cyclosis?
1.7. What are the characteristic features of telophase of mitosis ?
1.8. What is tetradyanmous condition of stamens
1.9. Define food chain ?
1.10. Write down the pigment and storage food material found in phaeophyceae.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Differentiate between prokaryote and eukaryotic cells.
2.2. Describe the structure of DNA in short .
2.3. How is arcegonium formed in Funaria ?discuss .
2.4. Draw a lable diagram of bacterial cell.
2.5. Compare eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell.
2.6. Describe the vegetative structure of spirogyra .
2.7. Describe the carbon cycle in nature in short.
3. Discuss the prophase I of meiosis with suitable diagram and give differences between mitotic and meiotic prophases .
What is the alternation of generation? Describe the process of alternation of generation with reference to the life cycle of Marchantia.
4. Dicuss how ecosystem is maintained in pond . [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 7
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify Malaria parasite.
1.2. Which pigment gives the dark brown pigmentation in earthworm?
1.3. Give one example of each of class Trematoda and Calcarea.
1.4. Why is responsibility given to human for the protection of earth ?
1.5. Give two important features of java man .
1.6. Name the organelles in Paramecium controlling Osmoregulation and vegetative functions
1.7. What is Neo-Darwinism?
1.8. Give two main identifying characters of Aves.
1.9. Mention the classes of phylum Platyhelminthes.
1.10. Give the position of brain in earth worm.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Give the diagrammatic representation of Miller and Urey experiment in support of biochemical origin of life .
2.2. Describe male reproductive organ of frog in short.
2.3. Describe sporogony of Plasmodium.
2.4. Describe the animal behaviour related to sneezing.
2.5. Explain in brief Oparin Haldane's Theory of Origin of life.
2.6. Give the characteristics of african ape man.
2.7. What are homologous organs? How do homologous organs supports organic evolution?
3. Describe the reproductive organ of earthworm. (7.5)
Describe the structure of heart of frog with well labeled diagram.
4. Write an essay on evolution of man . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 7
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What are reducing sugars ?
1.2. What is phycology ?
1.3. Why are lichens called bio indicators of air pollution ?
1.4. What is meant by Binomial nomenclature?
1.5. How do you identify Anaphage of mitotic cell division?
1.6. Write the floral formula of Leguminoceae Family.
1.7. What do you understand by green house effect?
1.8. Lysosome is called suicidal bag of cell. why?
1.9. Write the function of heterocyst in nostoc.
1.10. How the glycosidal bond is formed?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Draw a neat floral diagram of crucifera and graminea.
2.2. How does Pioneer Stage from Climax stage in succession.
2.3. Explain the beneficial aspects of bacteria.
2.4. Describe the heterothallic reproduction in spirogyra species.
2.5. Define Primary and secondary succession.
2.6. Describe the structure and function of chloroplast .
2.7. Write down the chromosomal changes found during Pachytine sub stages of prophase I.
3. Describe family Poaceae in semi technical terms with floral formula and diagram .Write botanical name of three economical important plants of this family. [7.5]
Describe about sexual life cycle of Spyrogyra with neat and labeled diagram.
4. What is bio geo chemical cycle ?explain the Nitrogen cycle with graphical representation. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 8
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is meant by polyphydont teeth?
1.2. Define alternation of generation .
1.3. Define the term "Incubation period".
1.4. What are apes ?
1.5. With which animal do you fine the following parts .i)muscular foot ii)flame cell.
1.6. Give the scientific name of any two triploblastic insects.
1.7. What does Oparin’s theory suggest ?
1.8. Define the portal system .
1.9. Write the biological name of i)sea-lily ii)jelly-fish .
1.10. What is the nearest ancestor of modern man ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the adaptational features of volant animal?
2.2. Justify "fossil provides incomplete evidence of organic evolution ".
2.3. Write in brief about Pancreas of frog .
2.4. Mention the characteristic of Javaman and Neanderthal man .
2.5. Write in brief sporogony phase of life cycle in plasmodium .
2.6. Enumerate the characters of the phylum Platyhelminthes with two example .
2.7. Discuss the process of spermatogenesis.
3. Describe the process of reproduction of plasmodium in its secondary host. [7.5]
What is portal system ? Discuss that of frog with necessary diagram .
4. Describe Oparin Haldane theory of origin of life. Why is this theory widely accepted? . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 8
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Write two importances of proteins in organisms.
1.2. Mention major changes occurring at Anaphage of mitosis.
1.3. Give a chief function of Ribosome.
1.4. Mention two methods of forest conservation.
1.5. Give the meaning of hierarchy in taxonomy.
1.6. Write two important characters of Monera.
1.7. Write Floral Formula of mustard plant.
1.8. Mention one important difference between red and brown algae.
1.9. What are the short coming of two -kingdon system of classification ?
1.10. How the peptide bond is formed?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Show the nitrogen cycle diagramatically.
2.2. Explain the prophase 1 of mitotic cell division.
2.3. Describe types of lysosomes and why is it called suicidal bag?
2.4. What do you mean by ozone layer depletion ?Describe its consequences .
2.5. Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane .
2.6. What are proteins ?Discuss their functions .
2.7. Discuss the economical importances of lichens .
3. Describe life cycle of Funaria with graphical representation. [7.5]
Describe family Solanaceae with all necessary diagrams and also mention scientific names of three economical important plants of this family.
4. Define food chain and discuss it with reference of grass land ecosystem . [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 9
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give the position of testis and ovary of Pheretima.
1.2. Why does the cross fertilization take place in earthworm?
1.3. Give the biological name of flying lizard and spider.
1.4. Give two examples of endangered species of wildlife.
1.5. Mention the enzyme found in the duodenum.
1.6. Write down the function of ovaries of frog.
1.7. What is vector?
1.8. What is catadromous migration?
1.9. Give two important features of Peking man .
1.10. Give one example of each of class Cestoda and Oligochaeta.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain the structure of a tooth in Rana tigrina.
2.2. Mention the characteristic of Neanderthal man .
2.3. Explain the biogenetic law as evidence of organic evolution.
2.4. What are the functions of pancreas in frog?
2.5. Differentiate between old world monkey and new world monkey.
2.6. Write in brief the pre and exo erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.7. Explain the relation of biology with other science .
3. Describe the digestive system of earthworm with well labeled diagram. [7.5]
Describe the conjugation in paramecium with necessary diagram .Also give its significance .
4. Describe the Darwin's theory of natural selection . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 9
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is capsid ?
1.2. Name the type of vascular bundle found in pinus stem .
1.3. Define taxomomy .
1.4. Give the composition of deoxyribonucleic acid .
1.5. Give the chemical component of virus .
1.6. Define syngenesous anther lobes .
1.7. Name any two micro nutrient and their role .
1.8. Write a difference between mesosomes and ribosomes .
1.9. Name any two human diseases caused by bacteria.
1.10. Define epipetalous stamens.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Justify "viruses are both living and non living body”.
2.2. Define meiosis. Give diagrams for prophase of meiosis I ( no description required )
2.3. Discuss the role of bacteria in medecine.
2.4. Write down the differences between green algae and brown algae .
2.5. Describe the asexual reproduction in mucor.
2.6. Write down the consequence of acid rain.
2.7. Give an account of structure and function of golgi appratus.
3. Describe the family Solanaceae with necessary diagram and mention two economically important plant . [7.5]
Describe lifecycle of mushroom with well labeled diagram.
4. Describe the pond ecosystem with well labelled diagram and mention the flow of energy in trophic level. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 10
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Write two important significances of conjugation in Paramecium.
1.2. Give reason "Paramecium is a protistan organism".
1.3. What is alternation of host ?
1.4. Define the term "Incubation period".
1.5. Give the biological name of one flying mammal and one flying reptile.
1.6. Give two examples of endangered birds.
1.7. Mention the enzyme found in the stomach of frog.
1.8. Write down the function of testis of frog.
1.9. What is carrier?
1.10. What is meant by acrodont teeth?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the functions of pancreas in frog?
2.2. Differentiate between ape and man.
2.3. Write in brief the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.4. What are the adaptational features of aquatic animal?
2.5. Justify "embryology provides evidence of organic evolution ".
2.6. Mention the characteristic of Australopethicus and Homo habilis .
2.7. Describe the animal behavior in short .
3. Describe the alimentary canal of Frog with suitable diagram. (7.5)
Describe the male and female reproductive system of earthworm.
4. Write an essay on evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 10
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give two industrial values of fungi.
1.2. Why are cyanobacteria included in Monera?
1.3. Name the pigment found in red algae .
1.4. Who gave 5 kingdom system of classification and when?
1.5. What is the significance of crossing over in meiosis?
1.6. What are the major Green house gasses ?
1.7. What kinds of fruit is called legume ?
1.8. Give one important function of lysosome.
1.9. Mention two methods of forest conservation.
1.10. What is hierarchy in taxonomy?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the economical nature of Bacteria?
2.2. Explain the structure of nucleus ?
2.3. Describe a typical flower in brief.
2.4. Name the different biotic components of the pond ecosystem .
2.5. Explain the beneficial aspects of lichen.
2.6. What are the consequences of ozone layer depletion ?
2.7. Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane in short.
3. Explain the nitrogen cycle in nature with graphical representation. [8]
4. Describe the sexual reproduction in Mucor with diagram. [7.5]
Give the distinguishing character of sub famaly paplionaceae in semi technical term. Give the floral diagram and floral formula as well as any two economical plants of this family
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify liver fluke.
1.2. What is adaptational feature of apes .
1.3. List the classes of the phylum Porifera.
1.4. What is sinus venosus ?
1.5. How is the biological science related to physics ?
1.6. What is natural selection ?
1.7. Differentiate between anadromous migration and catadromous migration in fishes .
1.8. Write about the premordial atmosphere of the earth .
1.9. Define homologous organ with example .
1.10. Give scientific name of any two endangered mammal.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What is extinction ?what are the causes of extinction?
2.2. Draw well labeled diagram of alimentary canal of frog.
2.3. Describe in brief the female reproductory organ of female earth worm.
2.4. Discuss the gamogony phase of life cycle of plasmodium vivax.
2.5. Explain the biochemical origin of life.
2.6. Explain the asexual reproduction of paramecium .
2.7. Explain the renal portal system found in frog .
3. What is reproduction ?Describe male reproductive organ of frog
with well label diagram . [7.5]
Give an account of conjugation in Paramecium caudatum and discuss its significance.
4.Define evolution .Explain the evolution of man from the pre ape man . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 1
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Differentiate between primary and secondary succession ?
1.2. Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.
1.3. Define binomial nomenclature .
1.4. What part of moss have diploid cells ?
1.5. Why are the blue green algae blue green in color ?
1.6. Define alternation of generation.
1.7. Define syngenesious stamen .
1.8. Name the chemical components of DNA.
1.9. Name the storage found in green and brown algae .
1.10. What do you mean by tetradynamous stamens ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Describe and structure and function of amino acids .
2.2. Discuss the changes that occur during metaphase of Mitosis.
2.3. Explain food chain with examples.
2.4. Explain about the structure and function of mitochondria .
2.5. Give beneficial aspects of Lichen.
2.6. What are the methods of forest conservation?
2.7. Draw a labelled diagram of mitotic anaphase and also mention its characteristic.
3. Give the distinguishing character of Solanaceae with its floral formula and floral diagram. Write the scientific name of sunflower , radish, maize and gram. [7.5]
Discuss the vegetative structure and life cycle of mushroom .
4. Define bio geo chemical cycle . Describe nitrogen cycle in nature [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 2
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define coacervate.
1.2. Give the function of seminal vesicles of earth worm .
1.3. Define homologous organ with example .
1.4. Name the various forms of locomotory organ found in aquatic animals .
1.5. Name the excretory organ found in Platyhelminthes and Annelids.
1.6. Define Neo Darwinism.
1.7. Define ornithology.
1.8. What was archaeopteryx ?
1.9. What is the functions of akinetes?
1.10. What is reflex action ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. List the Volant adaptational characters of birds.
2.2. Give the significance of archaeopteryx in the study of evolution .
2.3. Explain the relation of biology with other science .
2.4. How exconjugants are formed during conjugation of paramecium ?
2.5. Explain the histological structure of liver of frog .
2.6. "Cro-Magnon is immediate ancestor of modern man " justify.
2.7. Explain the hepatic portal system found in frog .
3. Give an account of the structure of digestive tract of Pheretima. [7.5]
Describe the structure of heart of frog with necessary diagram
4. Write an Essay on Darwinism. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 2
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define the terms phycology and mycology.
1.2. Why yeast placed in fungi?
1.3. What is cell theory ?
1.4. Name two chemical components in the structure of virus.
1.5. In which food chain pyramid of number is inverted?
1.6. Name two economically important fungi.
1.7. State what spiklet inflorescence is.
1.8. Name four green house gasses .
1.9. Define the term coenocytic hypha.
1.10. What is acid rain ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Differentiate between mitotic and meiotic cell division.
2.2. Describe and structure and function of amino acids .
2.3. What is pesticides? What are the hazards caused by pesticides?
2.4. List the characteristics of gymnosperm .
2.5. Write briefly about the structure and function of nucleus .
2.6. Draw diagrammatic life cycle of Funaria . No description is needed .
2.7. Discuss the consequence of ozone layer depletion .
3. Give the distinguishing character of solanaceae with its floral formula and floral diagram. Write the scientific name of sunflower , radish, maize and gram[7.5]
Discuss the vegetative structure and life cycle of mushroom .
4. Define bio geo chemical cycle . Describe nitrogen cycle in nature [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 3
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give the scientific name of tapeworm and wall lizard.
1.2. Discuss the role of variation in organic evolution .
1.3. How do insects differ from Arachnida?
1.4. Define fossil.
1.5. What are early primates resemble to ?
1.6. Give two example of vestigial organ.
1.7. What is reflex arc?
1.8. What is the function of choanoderm in Porifera?
1.9. Who suggested that monkeys, apes and man have a common ancestor ?
1.10. Name the muscles that controls the setae of earthworm .
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain arboreal adaptation among reptiles.
2.2. Give an account on Australopithecus.
2.3. Represent diagrammatically the process of conjugation in paramecium .
2.4. Write in brief the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.5. Describe the experiment of Urey miller for the origin of life .
2.6. Differentiate between chondrichthys and oesteichtys fish .
2.7. Give the adaptational modifications found in scansorial animals .
3. Describe the reproductive organ of earthworm. [7.5]
Describe the internal structure of heart in frog and give its working mechanism.
4. Write an Essay on Lamarckism. Write down the demerits of this theory and about the Neo Lamarckism. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 3
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is the function of heterocyst?
1.2. Name two edible mushroom available in market .
1.3. Why is Spirogyra placed in algae?
1.4. Name two type recemose inflorescence you have studied.
1.5. Name the chemical components of RNA.
1.6. Name the storage found in green and brown algae .
1.7. What do you mean by tetradynamous stamens ?
1.8. Mention any two points of differences between primary and secondary mycelium.
1.9. Name the major components of virus .
1.10. Define the term nucleotide.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Discuss the economic importance of fungi.
2.2. Give the structure and function of Golgi complex.
2.3. Differentiate between metaphase I and metaphase II of meiosis.
2.4. State the economic importance of the family solanaceae.
2.5. Draw diagrammatic life cycle of spirogyra. (no description)
2.6. Discuss the consequences of acid rain .
2.7. Explain the structure and functions of mitochondria.
3. What is altenation of generation ?Explain it with suitable diagram in a Marchantia. [7.5]
Explain the characters of the family Papilionaceae in semitechnical term
with floral diagram and floral formula .Discuss any two major importance
of this family .
4. What is energy flow .Explain how it takes place in terrestrial ecosystem. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 4
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give scientific names of any two endangered mammals of Nepal.
1.2. Define Osteology.
1.3. Which technique is used to know the age of fossils ?
1.4. Give the functions of Typhlosole in Earth worm.
1.5. Write Scientific names of frog and star fish.
1.6. What do you mean by the word Arthropoda?
1.7. What is adaptation?
1.8. What is catadromous migration?
1.9. What is serological test?
1.10. What is torsion ? Give one example of animal which shows torsion .
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Discuss about the Cro magnon man.
2.2. Give the characteristic feature of class Aves.
2.3. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of Paramecium.
2.4. Give the functions of skin of earthworm.
2.5. How does cocoon formation takes place in earthworm?
2.6. Give a brief description of the T.S. of the testis of frog with neat labeled diagram.
2.7. Enumerate the characters of Annelida .
3. Give an account of life cycle of Plasmodium in man . [7.5]
Discuss the reproductive system of Frog.
4. What is organic evolution ?Trace out evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 4
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define net primary productivity.
1.2. What is trophic level.
1.3. What do you mean by succession?
1.4. Why is lysosomes called as suicidal bag ?
1.5. Write any two consequence of acid rain.
1.6. Mention the chemical components of virus.
1.7. Write the meaning of syngenesis.
1.8. What is the function of pyrenoid ?
1.9. What is nucleotides ?
1.10. What do you mean by pioneer community in water and land ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Mention any three points of difference between Akinetes and Aplanospore.
2.2. Draw a well labeled diagram of cell structure of Nostoc.
2.3. Explain the structure and function of nucleus.
2.4. Discuss the changes that occur during anaphase of Mitosis.
2.5. Explain food web.
2.6. Explain about the structure and function of plastids .
2.7. What is nitrogen fixtaion ? How is nitrogen fixed in the cell ?
3. What is alternation of generation ?Explain it with suitable diagram in a Funaria ? [7.5]
Explain the characters of the family Gramineae in semi technical terms
with its floral diagram and floral formula . Discuss any two major economic
importance of this family .
4. What is ecosystem ?Discuss the structural and functional aspects of any one ecosystem
you have studied. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 5
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Define phylogeny.
1.2. What is Cyclosis in Paramecium.
1.3. What are analogous organ ?Give two examples.
1.4. Give two identifying characters of Echinodermata.
1.5. Mention the classes of phylum Porifera with one example of each .
1.6. What is taxis ?
1.7. Write the meaning of Signet-ring stage.
1.8. Name any endangered animal of Nepal .
1.9. Malarial patient shows the symptoms of malaria in every 48 hours.Why?
1.10. What are nematocysts?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain the experiment of Miller Urey .
2.2. Explain the binary fission in paramecium with a well labeled diagram.
2.3. Differentiate between old world monkey and new world monkey.
2.4. Explain the characteristic of leadership.
2.5. Describe the types of migratory fish.
2.6. How sound is produced in frog ?
2.7. Explain different causes of birds migration .
3. Explain the Lemarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters with its draw backs. [8]
4. What is portal system ?Describe it with reference to frog . [7.5]
Describe the digestive organ of earthworm with a labelled diagram.
Botany class XI model questions set 5
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Name the pigments found in red algae.
1.2. Give the full form of ADP and AMP.
1.3. Give the example of monosacchride and disacchride.
1.4. Give the difference of cisternae and cristae.
1.5. What are leucoplast? Mention their function.
1.6. What is grazing food chain?
1.7. What are primary and secondary myceliums in Agaricus?
1.8. Write two important effect of acid rain.
1.9. How does DNA differ from RNA.
1.10. Which cell organnele is responsible for cell plate formation.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Illustrate the haplo diplo biontic life cycle of yeast .
2.2. Draw well lable diagram of cynobacterical cell .
2.3. What is gametophyte ?Describe it in fern plant .
2.4. Draw outline sketch of 5kingdom classification also mention its basis on which it has been classified.
2.5. Give beneficial aspects of bacteria.
2.6. What are the methods of water resource conservation?
2.7. Draw a labeled diagram of mitotic metaphase and also mention its characteristic.
3. What is mitosis ?explain about the process of mitosis. (7.5)
Describe family Cruciferae in semi technical terms with its Floral diagram and floral formula.
4. Describe the nitrogen cycle in nature . (8)
Zoology class XI model questions set 6
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify Paramecium in scientific position .
1.2. What do you mean by microbiology.
1.3. What is metamerical segmentation?
1.4. Define Endangered Species .Give scientific names of two endangered species.
1.5. What is taxis ?
1.6. Define the term coelom .Give any two examples of coelomate animals .
1.7. List the classes of phylum mollusca.
1.8. List the type of migration in birds.
1.9. which trait is unique to the human species among primates ?
1.10. Name any two renewable sources of Nepal.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Give some characters of cro-magnon Man.
2.2. Write the objective and conclusion of Urey miller experiment .
2.3. Discuss how fossils give the evidences of evolution .
2.4. Draw a labelled sketch of the TS of gizzard of earthworm.
2.5. Give an account of binary fission of paramecium.
2.6. Describe the aquatic adaptation feature of fishes .
2.7. What are the function of liver in frog?
3. Describe the process of food digestion in frog. [7.5]
Describe the life cycle of plasmodium vivax in human body
4. Explain Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired character with examples. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 6
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is the function of acinates in Nostoc.
1.2. Give types of fruits found in family Gramineae.
1.3. What is lichens?
1.4. Give the meaning of plasmogamy and karyogamy
1.5. What are dwarf shoot in Pinus?
1.6. What is cyclosis?
1.7. What are the characteristic features of telophase of mitosis ?
1.8. What is tetradyanmous condition of stamens
1.9. Define food chain ?
1.10. Write down the pigment and storage food material found in phaeophyceae.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Differentiate between prokaryote and eukaryotic cells.
2.2. Describe the structure of DNA in short .
2.3. How is arcegonium formed in Funaria ?discuss .
2.4. Draw a lable diagram of bacterial cell.
2.5. Compare eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell.
2.6. Describe the vegetative structure of spirogyra .
2.7. Describe the carbon cycle in nature in short.
3. Discuss the prophase I of meiosis with suitable diagram and give differences between mitotic and meiotic prophases .
What is the alternation of generation? Describe the process of alternation of generation with reference to the life cycle of Marchantia.
4. Dicuss how ecosystem is maintained in pond . [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 7
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Classify Malaria parasite.
1.2. Which pigment gives the dark brown pigmentation in earthworm?
1.3. Give one example of each of class Trematoda and Calcarea.
1.4. Why is responsibility given to human for the protection of earth ?
1.5. Give two important features of java man .
1.6. Name the organelles in Paramecium controlling Osmoregulation and vegetative functions
1.7. What is Neo-Darwinism?
1.8. Give two main identifying characters of Aves.
1.9. Mention the classes of phylum Platyhelminthes.
1.10. Give the position of brain in earth worm.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Give the diagrammatic representation of Miller and Urey experiment in support of biochemical origin of life .
2.2. Describe male reproductive organ of frog in short.
2.3. Describe sporogony of Plasmodium.
2.4. Describe the animal behaviour related to sneezing.
2.5. Explain in brief Oparin Haldane's Theory of Origin of life.
2.6. Give the characteristics of african ape man.
2.7. What are homologous organs? How do homologous organs supports organic evolution?
3. Describe the reproductive organ of earthworm. (7.5)
Describe the structure of heart of frog with well labeled diagram.
4. Write an essay on evolution of man . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 7
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What are reducing sugars ?
1.2. What is phycology ?
1.3. Why are lichens called bio indicators of air pollution ?
1.4. What is meant by Binomial nomenclature?
1.5. How do you identify Anaphage of mitotic cell division?
1.6. Write the floral formula of Leguminoceae Family.
1.7. What do you understand by green house effect?
1.8. Lysosome is called suicidal bag of cell. why?
1.9. Write the function of heterocyst in nostoc.
1.10. How the glycosidal bond is formed?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Draw a neat floral diagram of crucifera and graminea.
2.2. How does Pioneer Stage from Climax stage in succession.
2.3. Explain the beneficial aspects of bacteria.
2.4. Describe the heterothallic reproduction in spirogyra species.
2.5. Define Primary and secondary succession.
2.6. Describe the structure and function of chloroplast .
2.7. Write down the chromosomal changes found during Pachytine sub stages of prophase I.
3. Describe family Poaceae in semi technical terms with floral formula and diagram .Write botanical name of three economical important plants of this family. [7.5]
Describe about sexual life cycle of Spyrogyra with neat and labeled diagram.
4. What is bio geo chemical cycle ?explain the Nitrogen cycle with graphical representation. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 8
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is meant by polyphydont teeth?
1.2. Define alternation of generation .
1.3. Define the term "Incubation period".
1.4. What are apes ?
1.5. With which animal do you fine the following parts .i)muscular foot ii)flame cell.
1.6. Give the scientific name of any two triploblastic insects.
1.7. What does Oparin’s theory suggest ?
1.8. Define the portal system .
1.9. Write the biological name of i)sea-lily ii)jelly-fish .
1.10. What is the nearest ancestor of modern man ?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the adaptational features of volant animal?
2.2. Justify "fossil provides incomplete evidence of organic evolution ".
2.3. Write in brief about Pancreas of frog .
2.4. Mention the characteristic of Javaman and Neanderthal man .
2.5. Write in brief sporogony phase of life cycle in plasmodium .
2.6. Enumerate the characters of the phylum Platyhelminthes with two example .
2.7. Discuss the process of spermatogenesis.
3. Describe the process of reproduction of plasmodium in its secondary host. [7.5]
What is portal system ? Discuss that of frog with necessary diagram .
4. Describe Oparin Haldane theory of origin of life. Why is this theory widely accepted? . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 8
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Write two importances of proteins in organisms.
1.2. Mention major changes occurring at Anaphage of mitosis.
1.3. Give a chief function of Ribosome.
1.4. Mention two methods of forest conservation.
1.5. Give the meaning of hierarchy in taxonomy.
1.6. Write two important characters of Monera.
1.7. Write Floral Formula of mustard plant.
1.8. Mention one important difference between red and brown algae.
1.9. What are the short coming of two -kingdon system of classification ?
1.10. How the peptide bond is formed?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Show the nitrogen cycle diagramatically.
2.2. Explain the prophase 1 of mitotic cell division.
2.3. Describe types of lysosomes and why is it called suicidal bag?
2.4. What do you mean by ozone layer depletion ?Describe its consequences .
2.5. Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane .
2.6. What are proteins ?Discuss their functions .
2.7. Discuss the economical importances of lichens .
3. Describe life cycle of Funaria with graphical representation. [7.5]
Describe family Solanaceae with all necessary diagrams and also mention scientific names of three economical important plants of this family.
4. Define food chain and discuss it with reference of grass land ecosystem . [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 9
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give the position of testis and ovary of Pheretima.
1.2. Why does the cross fertilization take place in earthworm?
1.3. Give the biological name of flying lizard and spider.
1.4. Give two examples of endangered species of wildlife.
1.5. Mention the enzyme found in the duodenum.
1.6. Write down the function of ovaries of frog.
1.7. What is vector?
1.8. What is catadromous migration?
1.9. Give two important features of Peking man .
1.10. Give one example of each of class Cestoda and Oligochaeta.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Explain the structure of a tooth in Rana tigrina.
2.2. Mention the characteristic of Neanderthal man .
2.3. Explain the biogenetic law as evidence of organic evolution.
2.4. What are the functions of pancreas in frog?
2.5. Differentiate between old world monkey and new world monkey.
2.6. Write in brief the pre and exo erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.7. Explain the relation of biology with other science .
3. Describe the digestive system of earthworm with well labeled diagram. [7.5]
Describe the conjugation in paramecium with necessary diagram .Also give its significance .
4. Describe the Darwin's theory of natural selection . [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 9
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. What is capsid ?
1.2. Name the type of vascular bundle found in pinus stem .
1.3. Define taxomomy .
1.4. Give the composition of deoxyribonucleic acid .
1.5. Give the chemical component of virus .
1.6. Define syngenesous anther lobes .
1.7. Name any two micro nutrient and their role .
1.8. Write a difference between mesosomes and ribosomes .
1.9. Name any two human diseases caused by bacteria.
1.10. Define epipetalous stamens.
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. Justify "viruses are both living and non living body”.
2.2. Define meiosis. Give diagrams for prophase of meiosis I ( no description required )
2.3. Discuss the role of bacteria in medecine.
2.4. Write down the differences between green algae and brown algae .
2.5. Describe the asexual reproduction in mucor.
2.6. Write down the consequence of acid rain.
2.7. Give an account of structure and function of golgi appratus.
3. Describe the family Solanaceae with necessary diagram and mention two economically important plant . [7.5]
Describe lifecycle of mushroom with well labeled diagram.
4. Describe the pond ecosystem with well labelled diagram and mention the flow of energy in trophic level. [8]
Zoology class XI model questions set 10
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Write two important significances of conjugation in Paramecium.
1.2. Give reason "Paramecium is a protistan organism".
1.3. What is alternation of host ?
1.4. Define the term "Incubation period".
1.5. Give the biological name of one flying mammal and one flying reptile.
1.6. Give two examples of endangered birds.
1.7. Mention the enzyme found in the stomach of frog.
1.8. Write down the function of testis of frog.
1.9. What is carrier?
1.10. What is meant by acrodont teeth?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the functions of pancreas in frog?
2.2. Differentiate between ape and man.
2.3. Write in brief the erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium.
2.4. What are the adaptational features of aquatic animal?
2.5. Justify "embryology provides evidence of organic evolution ".
2.6. Mention the characteristic of Australopethicus and Homo habilis .
2.7. Describe the animal behavior in short .
3. Describe the alimentary canal of Frog with suitable diagram. (7.5)
Describe the male and female reproductive system of earthworm.
4. Write an essay on evolution of man starting from Ramapethicus. [8]
Botany class XI model questions set 10
1. Give very short answers of the followings (any seven) 1x7=7
1.1. Give two industrial values of fungi.
1.2. Why are cyanobacteria included in Monera?
1.3. Name the pigment found in red algae .
1.4. Who gave 5 kingdom system of classification and when?
1.5. What is the significance of crossing over in meiosis?
1.6. What are the major Green house gasses ?
1.7. What kinds of fruit is called legume ?
1.8. Give one important function of lysosome.
1.9. Mention two methods of forest conservation.
1.10. What is hierarchy in taxonomy?
2. Give short answers of the followings (any five ) 3x5=15
2.1. What are the economical nature of Bacteria?
2.2. Explain the structure of nucleus ?
2.3. Describe a typical flower in brief.
2.4. Name the different biotic components of the pond ecosystem .
2.5. Explain the beneficial aspects of lichen.
2.6. What are the consequences of ozone layer depletion ?
2.7. Describe the structure and function of plasma membrane in short.
3. Explain the nitrogen cycle in nature with graphical representation. [8]
4. Describe the sexual reproduction in Mucor with diagram. [7.5]
Give the distinguishing character of sub famaly paplionaceae in semi technical term. Give the floral diagram and floral formula as well as any two economical plants of this family
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